We know how tempting it is to plant EVERYTHING - It’s exciting, it looks lush, you feel great! But it’s not all it’s cracked up to be - read on about why we always encourage succession planting - what it is and why we think you should give it a crack.
Essentially, succession planting prevents the boom and bust of harvesting. It is staggering the sowing of seeds, so that different batches of the same plant mature at different times.
For example - if you have space for 3 heads of spinach or chard, you should plant the seeds roughly four weeks apart, that way you don’t end up with an insane amount of spinach to try and eat your way through! Combine this with picking on an as-needed basis (picking leaves as upon use, rather than pulling the whole head), you’ll have a healthy, readily available supply of spinach - and you won’t find yourself madly baking spinach pie to give to every single person you know!
With a little forethought and consideration, you can enjoy a fruitful harvest of your favourite veggies without being overwhelmed.
We recommend sowing plants of the same seeds within a two-to-four week gap of one another. This way you’ll constantly have a healthy supply ready to be harvested.
Our Top Tips
Have enough seed to get you through the season
If the veggies are past their prime - pull them out! That space can be used for something new!
Make separate plantings of the same crop, rather than waiting for your plant to be harvested and replaced.
Keep track of what you planted and when (trust us on this! Especially if you’re planting from seed!
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