Watch the video below for an in-depth explanation of our Green Beams.

This living design will aesthetically transform any space and thrive with minimal effort.

Our Green Beams are a smart garden solution for any space. Liven up your office or add some greenery into your home.

These gardens are built with just enough technology to make it super easy to grow and maintain healthy plants. A sensor panel with indicator light will let you know when it is time to water your plants and your HerbUrban watering wand makes it easy to get the Plant Food and water to your plants.

The watering wand is a copper pipe which has a pump function and hose affixed to its base. Simply fill a bucket with the appropriate amount of water and plant food, place the hose of the wand into the bucket and hook the nozzle of the pipe over your garden and you’re done! 

Your HerbUrban will be designed and installed to fit the aesthetics of your space, providing a lush, calming and air purifying garden. All of your ornamentals will be locally sourced and pre-planted by us, using our specially formulated HerbUrban Coconut Husk for the ideal growing conditions.

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